Dad routinely comes up with brilliant ideas from his armchair. (He had a stroke 13 years ago)
While recently talking to him we were discussing how the OPEC cartel has been instrumental in impoverishing the oil consuming nations (India and China) while enriching themselves (Mid-East ,Russia and USA). We spoke at length and here are some gems of wisdom from the master.
1. Learn to value what you have
2. Learn not to want what other people have
3. Learn to negotiate for what you need and want while giving other people what they need and want.
So what does India really "HAVE"?
1. Food (Agriculture)
2. Cotton (Clothing raw material)
3. Wealth: Gold (Many thousand tonnes of it stored for over centuries).
4. Prime Real Estate: Warm climate and great natural reserves.
5. Democracy and demographics (great number of brain cells)
And what does India need ?
1. OIL
Dad came up with the following solution:
Form an Organization of Agriculture Producing and Exporting Countries (OAPEC) to negotiate a barter with the OPEC. After all food, clothing and water ARE more essential commodities than OIL. Yet the rest of the world makes you believe otherwise.
Thanks Dad for your piece of wisdom, Hope those in Power are listening!
Comments Welcome
Dr. Kishor Thombre and Milind Thombre